Learn about our school’s mission and educational model.

How Children Learn Throughout the Day

Blocks Center: size & shape differentiation, spatial relationships, & structural balance

Science Area: cause & effect, measurement. & exploration

Library: reading readiness, communication & language skills, memory skills, & proper book handling

Snack & Lunch: etiquette & manners, social interaction, & self-help skills


Writing / Art Center: visual perception, creativity, colors, & fine motor skills

Aligning Pennsylvania State Standards to a Reggio-Emilia Inspired Preschool

Constructing and Gathering Knowledge:


  • Children will explore and ask questions to seek meaningful information about a growing range of topics, ideas, and tasks


Social Emotional Development:

Children have multiple and varied opportunities to engage with teachers and peers that help facilitate their social competence by:


  • Recognizing and naming their own and other feelings
  • Learning skills to regulates their emotions, behaviors, and attention
  • Developing a positive attitude toward learning (mastery, curiosity, etc.)
  • Allowing them to interact positively, cooperatively and to resolve conflicts
  • Enhancing self-esteem, self sufficiency, and feelings of self worth


Physical Development:

Children are offered an environment that allows for free movement and mastery of their bodies through self-initiation by:


  • Providing opportunities to practice coordination, balance, and motor planning
  • Providing opportunities to develop fine motor skills by utilizing age appropriate manipulatives
  • Allowing opportunities to assess their own risk
  • Providing opportunities to develop gross motor skill by large motor experiences
  • Enhancing sensory-motor integration


Language Development:

Children are provided with opportunities for language acquisition and written and oral communication through:


  • Offering experiences that hold deep meaning and interest to the children resulting in conversations and discussions with their peers and teachers
  • Providing opportunities to respond to questions and conversations
  • Providing opportunities to communicate their needs and experiences
  • Providing opportunities to describe things and events



Children are offered multiple and varied opportunities to experience written language through:


  • Access to age appropriate books
  • Daily storytelling and read alouds
  • Familiarity and recognition of print; written words throughout the classroom
  • Modeling functional use of written language


Children are offered multiple and varied opportunities to experience writing by:


  • Providing various types of writing materials throughout the classroom
  • Encouraging writing at all developmental levels including scribbling, markings and developmental spelling


Cognitive: Mathematics

Children are offered multiple and varied opportunities to encourage integration of math concepts by:


  • Offering materials to organize and sort based on attributes
  • Offering materials that allow for shape recognition
  • Offering materials that help them understand concepts of measurement by standard and nonstandard units of measurement
  • Offering content that allows for learning passage of time


Cognitive: Science

Children are offered multiple and varied opportunities to question, inquire, discover, document, and reason by:


  • Offering materials that encourage experimentation
  • Offering materials that aid in observation
  • Providing opportunity to discuss scientific concepts in their everyday conversation
  • Providing copious time outside with the natural elements


Creative Expression:

Children are offered multiple and varied opportunities to gain appreciation for the Arts by:


  • Providing age appropriate materials that are available to manipulate and explore
  • Materials offer open-ended experiences to express themselves through music, drama, dance, and art
  • Encouraging the process versus the product



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